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7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety – Instantly

by Nicola Burnell

These simple tips will halt the freight train running through your chest:

  1. Remember to Breathe -count to five as you inhale, hold for five, then exhale for five. Repeat this seven times, or until your heartbeat begins to slow down.
  2. Refocus – find something calm to stare at; the leaves of a plant, the curve of a piece of furniture, the way the light rests on the wall, choose anything that will calm your eyes and allow your mind to reboot itself.
  3. Ground Yourself – place both feet firmly on the floor & imagine a trickle of white light traveling into the top of your head, down your spine, connecting you to the center of the earth. Hold this position until you can feel the tingling energy of the light moving through you.
  4. Take a Break – remove yourself from the cause of your anxiety by literally walking away until you feel strong enough to return.
  5. Re-hydrate – help your body flush out the toxins of daily life by drinking lots of water, juice & tea.
  6. Go Within – close your eyes and imagine a calm lake. Using the center of the lake as your starting point, allow your vision to expand outward until you become aware of the land circling the water. Notice how your senses pick up the smells & sounds of nature surrounding you. Give yourself as long as you need to absorb the tranquility of your lake escape.
  7. Reverse your Thoughts – when negative thoughts become verbal battery it’s time to crush them with positive affirmations; “I cannot do this” becomes “I am doing this” and “Why me?” becomes “Where’s the opportunity here?”

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Beautiful flowers
Photograph by Nicola Burnell
Nicola Burnell
Nicola Burnell lives in Harwich with her sons.

Nicola Burnell is Publisher of this magazine, a freelance writer & writing class instructor.

She is also a Reiki Master & leads workshops in creativity development & personal empowerment.

Nicola is a member in Letters of the Cape Cod Branch of the National League of American Pen Women & an active participant in the Cape Cod Time Bank.